5 Reasons to Work with a Promotional Products Professional
by On Point Promotions | August 20, 2018
Face it, many business owners and managers think they can handle just about anything. And, just for the record, we pretty much agree. That’s the reason they are successful business owners and managers. However, once they realize they have found a trustworthy, reliable professional, they understand that the biggest reason they continue that relationship is because of what that promotional products professional knows. That knowledge, they know, saves them a lot of time, money, and worry.
What is it that a promotional product professional knows? After years in the business, Shelley Allen of On Point Promotions & Embroidery can tell us.
They know vendors and products. A professional brings their clients lots and lots of variety and good choices at every price point. They know what looks good in person, not just on the website page. They know the companies who manufacture and distribute the products and which ones are reputable and meet their time-frames. They even know which apparel products will wash well or really be a hit with customers, like stand-out socks!
They know design. One of the most important elements of promotional products is branding it with your business name, your logo, and maybe some contact information. How do you get that branding on the product and have it look absolutely a-m-a-z-i-n-g? They also know what will look crisp and sharp and what will not.
They know results. Experience has taught a professional what works in what situations. They can align your goal with the products that will get you to the re
sult you want. You get to live vicariously through all the campaigns, products, and experiences of their past customers. They have heard the feedback from vendors, customers, and the target market. They have been told it would have been better if … or next time, we want to … . They also know how what you choose as a product may be based on business values, such as sustaining the environment. Your message can be conveyed with products made from eco-friendly materials or to promote eco-friendly habits.
They know how business works. They understand that every business has a budget and other constraints that come into play in promotional product campaigns. They drill down to the outcome a customer is trying to achieve and know which products or types of products will do that in the best, most cost-effective manner. Is this purchase being made to motivate or reward employees? As a thank-you to loyal customers? For new-customer generation or as trade show swag? The purpose dictates the product and program.
They know there can be problems. If a promo product professional doesn’t meet you wearing a “stuff happens” t-shirt, it’s probably because it’s in the laundry basket. Stuff does happen – all the time, but they know how to deal with it and take care of it quickly and efficiently. Product availability can change, production lines slow, and there can be problems in the printing with color or fonts. Whatever it is, chances are that it has happened before, and the professional will have a resolution ready when you hear about the problem.
The perk, or big bonus, here is that working with a professional to guide you through the entire process costs you nothing more and saves you time, money, and lots and lots of worry. And, with a company like On Point Promotions & Embroidery, you get another big bonus – their creativity.
Marketing with promotional products is best achieved by being unique, standing out from all the rest of the field. It could be the product, how you are using it in the campaign, the statement you make, or simply the quality of the product. Whatever it is that makes your marketing stand out, a promotional products professional can help you find it and make it most effective. Getting the biggest bang for your buck is as important to them as it is to you. Don’t take the chance and “go it alone. Peruse the huge selection of products on our website, then contact On Point Promotions & Embroidery at 317-762-4309 or via our website when it is time to create your next marketing campaign and let us help you incorporate promotional products so you get the results you want.